No product at this time

CITRICS MIA C.B., C.I.F. E 98361173, is an entity with profit character, who’s activity is the production and distribution of citrus. CITRICS MIA C.B. is the owner of and responsible for the files generated with personal data given by the users through this website. It’s social headquarters is in C/ Blasco Ibáñez 28, La Pobla de Vallbona, Valencia, Spain.

Through this legal notice we intend to regulate the access and use, and in general, the relationship between this portal, accessible from it’s website and their users.

The hereunder described privacy policy, is applicable to all the services of this website, as well as with the webpages and services which might be added in the future to this web.

To warrant your right to personal data protection, it’s necessary that you accept the terms of this privacy policy before sending us your information.

By pressing the ‘SEND’ button, the user accepts the explained conditions.


Personal data protection policy

According to the law of information society and electronic commerce and to the actual law 16/1999, from 13 December, of personal data protection and it’s security rules, CITRICS MIA C.B informs to the users of the website from the addition of their data to automated to an existing database in the above mention entity.

The treatment of the data by CITRICS MIA C.B will be used as in the expressed conditions or derived from them.

The created files are located in the headquarters of CITRICS MIA C.B. in C/Blasco Ibáñez 28, La Pobla de Vallbona, Valencia, Spain, under supervision and control of the company, who commits to it’s obligation of keeping the personal data secret and to adopt technical, organization and administration measures to protect your confidentiality and integrity avoiding it’s alteration, loss, treatment or non authorized access according to the established in the Law 15/1999, 13 December, personal data protection and it’s security rules of the files that contain personal data, approved by royal decree 1720/2007, 21 December.

Purpose of the data acquired from users and automated treatment

The user authorises CITRICS MIA C.B. to the automated treatment of the personal data introduced voluntarily, through forms and email for:

-The management of any enquiry sent by email

-The sending of own services of CITRICS MIA C.B., as well as sending of advertising via email.

-The sending of any enterprise, commercial or social aspect of the company and of the activities that are organized or participated in.

-The sending of information about products and services of the different entities which whom CITRICS MIA C.B. has agreements, in charge of it’s commercialization, even if no operation has been formalized, such as once the contractual existing relationship.

-The sending of advertising via email about offers, promotions and recommendations of the different entities with whom CITRICS MIA C.B. has collaboration agreements, in charge of commercialization

-The carrying out of polls and statistic studies


Data collected through the on line forms in the web

All the data requested in the forms has to be filled mandatorily in order for us to be in contact with you and help you in the management of your request.

The personal data are absolutely confidential and will only be shared with third parties or entities in case that the request requires it.

Your authorization will be requested when you send your data.

The user will be responsible, in any case, of the veracity of the given data, CITRICS MIA C.B. reserving the right to exclude the registered data to any user that introduced false data, without any damage to any other action that proceed in the law.

Sharing of the personal data of users to collaborating companies

The user accepts that his data might be shared, only for the above mentioned goals, to other companies which whom CITRICS MIA C.B. has collaboration agreements, and in any case respecting the Spanish law about personal data protection and without necessity of communicating the first transfer. This allowance to data sharing has revocable character with conformity of the actual law.

All the data are treated with total confidentiality, not being accessible to third parties without your allowance, unless it’s information enquiries authorized by the government authority or in order to fulfil a law, norm, citation or juridical order.


Rights from the users concerning their personal data

The user can use its right to access, cancel, correct and opposite, and by whom he might represent him, if applicable, with a signed written request and an ID copy, addressed to CITRICS MIA C.B. in C/Blasco Ibáñez 28 46185 La Pobla de Vallbona, Valencia, Spain.


Cookies navigation

The website uses cookies, small files that are generated in the user’s computer and that allow us to know the frequency of visits, the most used contents and the security elements that might intervene in the control access to restricted areas, as well as the visioning of advertising, according to criteria predefined by CITRICS MIA C.B. that are activated by cookies seved by the named entity or by a third giving service to CITRICS MIA C.B.

The user knows and accepts the use of cookie technology from CITRICS MIA C.B, nevertheless you can configure your browser to prevent you when doing so and preventing the installation of cookies in your hard drive. Please, refer to the manual of your browser to do so.

The user authorizes CITRICS MIA C.B to obtain and treat the generated information consequence of the use of the website, with the only goal of offer a more personalized navigation



CITRICS MIA C.B. doesn’t take any responsibility derived from the incorrect use of the information given through it’s internet sites. Also, with the legal limits, doesn’t take any responsibility for inaccuracy, integrity or actualization of the data or information published in the websites owned by them.

The function of the links that appear in this website it’s exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information about the matter in the internet, where he can broad the data offered in this website. CITRICS MIA C.B. doesn’t take in any case responsibility of the result of using these links.


Concept and production:

This Web site was created using PrestaShop™ open-source software.


Online Dispute Resolution: